Jun 4, 2012

On Native Affairs tonight

I'll be on Native Affairs tonight. The usual political chat along with Sandra Lee and former National candidate Claudette Hauiti. The show starts at 8.30pm on Maori TV.

Oh, and Tame Noema, Alby Waititi and Jade Louise from The G.C are on as well.


  1. I'll put the bad news first.

    Morgan, I don't like The GC. I've never watched it but I think it might portray Maori in a way that's not good for or accurate of Maori people.

    I'm a tauira at the Wananga here in Palmerston North and I find the waiata and language beautiful and fascinating. I'd rather watch a show that focusses on Maori cultural things than American-influenced garbage. (Note to self: must watch Waka Huia).

    As for the panel I thought that you and Marama were great. I've never seen Marama "in action" before and I was quite impressed.

    Can't say the same thing about Claudette Hauiti. She kept getting into the Greens to protect her Tory mates. It always interests me when I see Maori and PI Nats, considering that their ethnicities predominantly don't vote National.

  2. Hauiti said the same old national standard answer when some one opposes there
    policies it is unions looking out for themselves but how can less teachers mean better education,
    beats me

  3. there is never not ever any thing 'usual' about maori tv & native affairs... GC new stuff - not usual either .. good for them



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