Nov 21, 2011

Te Karere Digipoll: Te Tai Tonga

Te Karere will be releasing some surprising poll results on Te Tai Tonga today. Tune into TV One at 4pm. On a separate note I don't imagine I'll have much time to blog this week so things will probably be a little quiet.  


  1. What do you think about this result? Seems to me that the hype about Rahui being a hard working MP is all spin. She has learnt to read out speeches written by skilled Maori party speech writers. She might have held a teatowel at Rehua during the Feb quake but where was her voice on services needed by Maori? Lianne Dalziel was the one who did the most for most Maori in the eastern suburbs. If Rahui was male, would she be getting this much hype about being capable - when for the first 2 years as an MP, she never said nothing. Bit rich everyone buying into this nanny capability at the last minute when she voted for National and all the demise and disadvantage that has given many Maori.
    Rino is making mistakes in the campaign but is a million miles better than Rahui was when she went out on her campaign last time. If there is doubt about that, look at her in Parliament when there is no script - even this year she shows what she is not capable of.

  2. Oh no, not another Te Karere diddle dingle poll. What the hell does digipoll mean anyway? And is it right for a state broadcaster to survey and try to influence who its current employer and possible prospective employer might be? At least its a conflict of interest.

  3. I think consideration needs to be given to the size of the Taitonga electorate - it is by far the biggest geographically in the country. From what I have seen, Rahui Katene has been a hard working MP. Both her and Rino have been shakey at times during the campaign but Rahui has an assurance about her that Rino (who is shy by nature) doesn't have. National and Labour are cut from the same cloth as far as I am concerned - mainstream parties that serve the interests of the majority. Last time I checked we were still in the minority. The good thing (if there can be such a thing) about National is they don't tend to tell us how to suck eggs when it comes to our tikanga and treaty claims and things get done more quickly. The last Labour government stalled on Maori issues and no one in the hierarchy stood up for Maori as National applied the pressure. It seems to me that is easy for Labour to be pro Maori in opposition but impossible for them to be pro Maori in government. I won't be voting National or Labour in this election.



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