Here's a sample:
Overland Literary Journal
- Settled peacefully
- Burn the witch: on the attacks against Eleanor Catton
- Blackface in a white nation
- Private grief, public action
- On opposition to Helen Clark’s UN bid, or how your progressive fav is problematic
- The Interregnum: on Brexit and how the British remember
- Indigenous when he's winning
- The Jersey of the South Pacific
The Guardian
- From sport ceremonies to treaties: can New Zealand teach the US anything about race?
- Jonah Lomu proved a Polynesian man could still win when the deck was stacked
- Jonah from Tonga was withdrawn for good reason: it’s Chris Lilley’s satire at its worst
- New Zealand refuses climate change refugees - mass action is now needed
- New Zealand's flag represents a country that no longer exists
- Orwell would recognise the logic of postcolonialism in West Papua (Fairfax book reviews)
- Generation Rent: What's really the solution?
- Not so jolly: Ruth, Roger and Me by Andrew Dean
- Man of Secrets: the private life of Donald McLean
- Extraordinary Anywhere: Essays on Place from Aotearoa New Zealand
- Entanglements of Empire: a new take on the Maori-Pakeha relationship
- Our Dangerous Donald Trump Interregnum
- Tangata Whenua: An Illustrated History
- The FIRE Economy: how neoliberalism is built on a house of cards
- New database a rich repository of NZ non-fiction
- Crossing the Floor, the Story of Tariana Turia
The Herald
Metro Magazine
The Spinoff
- I saw the mountain erupt
- The left was fucked, and then it wasn't
- The end of neither left nor right but Maori
- Radical and inspirational, gentle and generous – an obituary for Ranginui Walker
- Behold, Māori politics’ great realignment. Or, don’t believe the hype
- A beginner’s guide to the bewilderments of budget day
- The greatest New Zealand works of non-fiction ever – Te Roopu Haututu
- Relax, Māori aren’t banning you from the beach. Or are we?
- Obituary: Helen Kelly
- Warrior race? Pull the other one
- History isn’t always written by the winners
- Why do we ignore the New Zealand Wars?
- Here Comes Waitangi Day: Prepare to Cringe
- Why Growing Up in a Gang Town Isn't Always What You Think
The Daily Blog
Journal (academic) articles
- The Interregnum (ed.), Bridget Williams Books, 2016.
- (You can read the first chapter here)
Book chapters
- "The Fragmentation of Maori politics" in Kicking the Tyres: the New Zealand General Election and Electoral Referendum of 2011 (Victoria University Press, 2012)
- "The Maori Party" in New Zealand Government and Politics (6th edition) (Oxford University Press, 2014)
- "The Search for Stability" in Moments of Truth: the New Zealand General Election of 2014 (Victoria University Press, 2015)
- "The history of Maori in Local Government" in Local Government in New Zealand (Dunmore Publishing, 2016)
- "Against Political Commentary" in Reimagining Journalism: the Future of the Media in New Zealand" (Freerange Press, 2016).
Some random stories/panels I've featured in
- [Radio New Zealand]: Andrew Little, Willie Jackson and kaupapa Maori politics
- [RDU]: The Interregnum
- [Idealogue]: Morgan Godfery on the new popularism, the politics of love and his new book
- [The Press]: School of thought: On the dangers of intellectualism
- [Radio New Zealand]: On the resignation of Mihingarangi Forbes
- [Radio New Zealand]: Real Housewives vs real research: in-depth journalism was the loser on the day
- [Radio New Zealand]: Overland - Australian Literary Journal's NZ edition
- [Radio New Zealand]: Online Lives
- [Native Affairs]: political panel
- [Native Affairs]: Dirty Politics panel
- [The Nation]: political panel
- [Young Writers' Festival]: Young Maori, New Media
- [E-Tangata]: Morgan Godfery - politics is in the blood
- [The Wireless]: The Pencilsword: Lest We Forget
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